125 Gateway Rd E Suite D, Napa, CA, United States of America, 94558




amaea – Additive Free Molecular Imprinted Polymer for PVPP Replacement, Polyphenol Adjustment; Smoke Remediation and Pyrazine Adjustment

Let me introduce amaea, the latest addition to VA Filtration’s suite of services. amaea is an award-winning, molecular filtration technology known for its unrivalled selectivity - allowing winemakers to enhance product quality while preserving the integrity of their wines.

Using molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP), amaea targets and removes undesired molecules, without the need for fining agents, masking or excessive stripping. The result? Refined and more balanced wines.

Why winemakers are choosing amaea:

  • Precise removal of unwanted compounds – from balancing bitterness to remediating smoke impacts and pyrazines
  • Preserves varietal character and body
  • Reduces waste by replacing single-use fining agents
  • Saves time with rapid, real-time results
  • Tailored solutions to achieve desired sensory outcomes

We are currently offering in-house bench trials, where my team is available to demonstrate how this breakthrough technology can benefit your winery.

Contact our team to book your trial today.

Bryan Tudhope
Owner and Founder of VA Filtration

amaea’s alternative to PVPP for reducing bitterness

Take a deep dive into one of US’ leading winery’s assessment for using amaea’s molecular filtration technology over PVPP to reduce bitterness in hard-pressed white wines.

Giesen ushers in a new era of palate fining for their award-winning Merlot

To conduct palate fining of their category-leading 0% Merlot, NZ wine producer, Giesen replaced their use of gelatin with amaea's MIP technology, resulting in an additive-free, vegan friendly solution that provided tangible, operational gains.

Why winemakers are central to successful MIP applications

With the ability to tailor treatments with artisanal intent, winemakers are empowered to bring out the best in every wine using amaea’s highly selective technology. Discover how amaea’s MIPs work and the important role of winemakers to achieve ideal outcomes.

When would you use amaea’s technology?

amaea’s technology can be applied to balance or remediate wine sensory. Example applications include:

ApplicationTarget compound
Balancing astringency, bitterness & tannic charactersPolyphenols
Brettanomyces remediation4-ethylphenol (4-EP)
4-ethylguaiacol (4-EG)
Frost impact remediationα-Terpeneol
Hard press palate finingPolyphenols
Insect impact (herbaceous) remediationtrans-2-decenal
Pyrazine (green / vegetal) remediationmethoxypyrazines including 3-Isobutyl-2-methoxypyrazine (IBMP)
Smoke impact remediationSmoke marker compounds including:
4-methyl guaiacol
ortho-, meta- & para-cresol,

VA Filtration amaea MIP molecular filtration technology Filtration Services


VA Filtration is a global mobile wine service company.  We have developed and continue to develop a range of process equipment for the specific removal of taints from wine including VA reduction, 4EP/4EG reduction, smoke and other taint reduction, lees filtration, crossflow filtration and TCA/TBA reduction.  We also offer an alcohol reduction facility where we use reverse osmosis and vacuum distillation for ethanol reduction purposes in wine.  Our ultrafiltration systems are unsurpassed in that we have multiple molecular weight cut-offs to suit any project.  Why not test it out using our SWEETSPOTTER. 

At VA Filtration we don't just offer mobile services.  We also design and manufacture all our own equipment as well as equipment for sale in American Canyon.  We are the only wine related company in America, and perhaps the world that designs, manufactures and operates all of its own process equipment.  When you purchase from us, you know that you are purchasing a tried and tested piece of equipment.  

Our alcohol reduction service has two machines available for mobile and in-house alcohol reduction needs.  We also generate and sell High Proof ethanol. 

At VA Filtration we are continually dreaming of new ways to aid the winemaker and our success is your success!


Contact List

Title Name Email Phone Extension
Mr Bryan Tudhope bryan@vafiltration.com 7075522616 101
Mr Rick Oberlin roberlin@vafiltration.com 7075522616 104
Mr Chris Koegeleberg chris@vafiltration.com 7077040592
Mr Kyle Crowley kcrowley@vafiltration.com 7075522616 105

Location List

Locations Address State Country Zip Code
VA Filtration U.S.A. 125 Gateway Rd E Suite D, Napa CA United States of America 94558

List of Locations