
Are You Ready for the Holiday Sales?

Hard to believe that it is coming up to the end of 2022 and that the holidays are just around the corner again. Thanksgiving is less than a month away, with the December holidays and New Year following in quick succession.

If you have already started planning and organizing holiday sales, good for you. If not… it’s time to get started. 

What type of promotions do you have planned to promote holiday sales?

  • Mailers to your customers
  • E-mail offers
  • Ads in magazines or newspapers
  • Information prominently displayed in the tasting room
  • Signage for stores that sell your wine
  • Reminders of special holiday pricing

There are many of your customers who like to get an early start on their holiday shopping. If you wait too long to start promoting you may miss those shoppers who like to get their holiday shopping finished early.

Think about offering special pricing to your best customers, giving them special discounts if they purchase before a certain date or on certain wines.

You may also want to promote a certain weekend before the holidays where customers and guests can try some older vintages that you are bringing out especially for the holiday season and will be available for purchase in three, six, or twelve packs (depending on how much you have available). 

Let your customers know that you will be offering the opportunity to try older wines or food pairings with current wines. You may also plan a quiz and ask customers questions about your wine.  Offering prizes or discounts for those correctly give you the right answers.

We have only touched the surface with these ideas. There are many more that you may think would be fun for your customers and get them in the mood to buy.

A tip of the glass from me to you!



Elizabeth Slater of In Short Direct Marketing is recognized throughout North America as speaker and trainer, increasing sales for wineries through staff training in sales, customer service and all avenues of direct marketing. In Short has works with individual wineries as well as winery associations throughout North America.

INCREASE WINE CLUB SALES & RETENTION:  Do you have enough wine club members?  Are you retaining them?

Elizabeth Slater, In Short Direct Marketing’s wine club expert, gives your staff the tools they need to make your wine club membership sales and retention soar.  In addition to working with individual wineries, Elizabeth teaches wine club classes at both Sonoma State University and Santa Rosa Junior College.


After a very interactive training with our team, our following month saw over a65% increasein wine club signup rates—our best month to date!    Dutton Goldfield, Sonoma County

…Elizabeth Slater’s guidance and training provided the perfect platform, helping us double our Wine Club signups in the last 3 months compared to last year. If you’re serious about improving your business, then give her a call...”    

Franciscan Estates, Napa County

 Other Seminars & Training

Staff and management training should be as integral a part of the operation of a successful winery as using the very best grapes and producing top notch wines. Yet, despite its iymportance, it is the component of business operations that is most easily and most often ignored. In fact, it is frequently not recognized as a component of successful business operations at all.

E (as she is known) presents seminars and workshops on a variety of marketing and sales subjects to wineries and winery associations throughout North America. She is a featured speaker at Wineries Unlimited and presents regularly at state and province conferences working across the US and Canada.

In Short was started as a direct marketing company in 1994 and added workshops and seminars to the mix in 1997.  Elizabeth's dynamic and humorous speaking style has made her a popular and busy speaker both in and out of the wine industry.


"In Short Direct Marketing is an essential business tool." - Maureen Hendrikson, Patit Creek Cellars


Contact List

Title Name Email Phone Extension
Founder Elizabeth Slater E@inshortmarketing.com 707-836-8730

Location List

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In Short Direct Marketing , Ashland OR United States of America 97520

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