Ashland, OR, United States of America, 97520
What do your customers want from you?
I imagine the first thing that many winery people say is “Good wine” and they would be right. However good wine is not the same for all people and (amazingly enough some of your guests may think that your wine is not to their taste. It happens occasionally, though hopefully not often.
This is why, if you can’t wow them with the wine, you should be able to wow them with your Winery (look and feel) and with interaction with the tasting room people. Even if the wine is, perhaps not to your guests’ taste, they will still have good things to say about your winery and will recommend others to visit.
Greet every customer as soon as you can. If you have a tasting room full of people, make the effort to smile at new customers as they walk in. They can see that you are busy but will appreciate the gesture that shows them that they have been seen.
If it is exceptionally busy, with people coming through the door one after another, organize them into groups and offer a tasting to two or three couples at the same time. Having more than six people to serve can make it more difficult to answer all the questions and to interact personally with each guest.
Introduce yourself and ask your customers to introduce themselves to each other and to you.
Then ask a couple of questions to be answered by all such as:
If your guests are familiar with your wines, ask them which of your wines are their favorite.
You might want to ask regular customers in the group, what brings them back.
Make creating a plan part of your next TR staff meeting and in later meetings ask what is working and what is not.
A tip of the glass from me to you!
This week was the first day of summer and the longest day of the year. So, welcome to the start of summer. According to the calendar, Wednesday, June 21 is the start of summer. It means that the sun is in its most northern position, directly over the Tropic of Cancer.
When you are serving your guests from today through this weekend, remind them that it is the first day/week of summer… and ask them what their plans are for the summer. (Remember, people love to talk about themselves).
Then tell your customers what you have planned for this summer. For example:
Think of things to celebrate that are specific to your region or state. Do some research into the lesser-known holidays that can be celebrated by your winery. Or create some holidays that can be celebrated.
For example, July 5 is National Graham Cracker Day, July 9 is National Dimples Day, and National Sugar Cookie Day.
In fact, there is a National (Whatever) Day for every day of the year. By the way, there are a lot of days that celebrate win. For example:
If any of you would like the whole list, drop me a note at and I will send it to you.
A tip of the glass from me to you!
Only a few days until the start of summer. Summer officially begins on June 21, 2023.
I did a little research into the solstice and how you can celebrate the day with your customers. I found an article all about the solstice by Catherine Boeckmann. Here are a few of the interesting things I discovered about the solstice that I thought your guests may also find interesting.
Giving your guests information on different topics (such as the summer solstice) will make your winery stand in their memories. It also gives them some information to pass along to others (and most of us like to do that).
“In the Northern Hemisphere, the June solstice (aka summer solstice) occurs when the Sun travels along its northernmost path in the sky. This marks the astronomical start of summer in the northern half of the globe” (where we are).
Ms. Boeckmann provided some summer solstice folklore, which may be interesting to your guests. At the very least it will bring some new information to some of your visitors. You might even one to give them the information to take with them.
Summer Solstice Folklore
In Sweden, as well as other countries, Solstice is celebrated by eating the first strawberries of the season. Also, the June full moon is known as the Strawberry Moon.
Whatever you plan to do, enjoy the Solstice.
A tip of the glass from me to you!
Your wine club is an important avenue for additional sales, not only through wine club sales but through the promotion of your products to people who may never have heard of your wines through your current wine club members.
When people join your wine club they are more likely to offer your wines to others. They are also more liked to introduce your wines to others by using the wine as gifts or taking a bottle to a party or event they are attending.
Additionally, because they have joined your wine club and really believe in your products, your members are more likely to talk about the wines and the winery to others whether they are friends or strangers.
For example:
Wine club members who are in the winery to pick up their wine club purchases are likely to talk to other visitors about how great your wine club is while they are there.
Club members will bring out wine club wines to share with friends they have invited over for dinner or a drink.
If wine is a topic of conversation for your wine club members at parties, meetings, or other occasions your wine will be part of the discussion.
Your wine club members also like to tell others they are part of your wine club, especially when they can talk about special events they get invited to as wine club members only.
Consider a special wine club sign-up month where you add a couple of additional benefits for those who sign up.
Your wine club should be promoted in the tasting room with written information, signage, and by the winery staff as well as through your newsletters. At least a couple of times a year do a mailer or email reminding people about the wine club and why it is such a great thing for them.
A tip of the glass from me to you!
How many times have you seen strangers start talking to each other in your tasting room? It happens quite a lot. Many times, your customers will start a conversation with other guests about the wineries they have visited that day (or over the weekend) and what they thought about the wines, and how they were treated.
Most people, when out wine tasting, are likely to get into conversations with people they meet in the wineries that they are visiting. Usually, a conversation will turn to the wineries they visited, the way they were treated, and how they enjoyed the wines.
Sometimes, however, the conversations are not as positive. Possibly the guests were not treated well at one winery or another that they visited, or the wines may not have been the varietals they liked.
Listen to what your guests have to say about the wineries they have visited, how they liked them, and how they liked the wines. Not enjoying the wines may just be a matter of taste, or lack of wine knowledge. However, if they say that the staff was not very nice, did not treat them well, or did not know much about the wines they were pouring, that is a different story. This is something that should be corrected because there is the possibility that their experience in one winery may turn them off the whole appellation they are visiting.
While yours is not the winery that ignored them or treated them badly it may still affect your business if these customers decide not to visit the wine district again.
What happens in one winery may influence the guests' experience of the whole area and they may not come back. There are lots of other wine areas to visit, so treating your guests well and making sure they know that they are important to your winery and others in the area, will bring them back.
A tip of the glass from me to you!
Elizabeth Slater: In Short Direct Marketing
707 953 1289
Asking if you appreciate your customers may seem like a silly question. We all know that if it wasn’t for customers we would not, most likely, still be in business. However, we don’t always remember to tell our customers (especially our long-term and very loyal customers) how much we appreciate them.
These days when everything is done through emails and such, it is easy to forget that a handwritten note may mean a lot more to your customers than an email. Even a handwritten note sent a couple of times a year can increase your customers’ loyalty to your business.
It is easy to believe your customers already know that you appreciate them, but a note or a phone call, even a personal email from the winery owner, tasting room manager, or one of the tasting room staff will increase your customers’ appreciation of your business. More importantly: a note, phone call, etc., can let your customers know that you and your staff appreciate them.
Many of your regular customers already promote your wines and winery to their friends and others they contact. Not only do they talk about your wines, but they also talk about how great the staff is and how helpful and knowledgeable they are, and share the information with their friends. Once your customers like your wines, they start promoting them to others, bringing your winery more consumer recognition and, more importantly, more sales, and people to add to your mailing list.
Let your customers know how much you appreciate them in small ways:
More on this next week.
A tip of the glass from me to you!
What are you doing to make your winery stand out from the crowd? You want new customers to visit and to come back often. Offering a mediocre experience is not likely to do that. If you know that your tasting room provides a great experience for new customers, let the people you meet know. That will bring your customers back time after time, and let potential customers know.
If your winery does outside tastings with other wineries in your area, make sure that the staff who pour at these tastings tell newcomers how great the winery is. Selling the quality of the wine, the great atmosphere in the tasting room, and the friendliness of the staff are all good ways to encourage people you meet in other venues to visit the winery.
This is especially true when your winery and others in your area are pouring at a tasting away from the winery. The people you are meeting and offering wine to may never have been to your winery before and have no idea what they are missing. It is up to you to let them know.
When people come to the table to taste the wine, if you don’t recognize them, ask them if they have ever visited the winery. If the answer is no, that they have not been to the winery, then encourage them to come.
Ask a couple of questions to discover what wines they enjoy, to ensure that you have wines they would like. Give them a short overview of the winery and wines (don’t go into too much detail) and invite them to come for a visit.
Be sure to get their contact information so you may send them a written invite or email.
A tip of the glass from me to you!
Encourage sales to the customers and others who are on your mailing list.
One of the important things to get the most out of your promotions is to promote them well. Make sure that your past customers know about your sales offerings for the different seasons. As well as promoting these offerings at the winery, put the information about your offerings in your newsletters and send information on the sale to past and possible customers by email, phone, or any other way you can think of.
1. Offer sale prices on different wines at different times. Send a list of the wines you are selling at special prices during different months of the year. That way, your customers and potential customers will know when their favorite wines are on sale.
2. Offer discounted or free shipping on any wine bought during certain months, days, or weeks. This encourages your customers and others to buy and save on shipping.
3. Offer special pricing on wines that won a medal in a wine contest or were chosen as a wine of the week or month, by either the winery or a local newspaper.
4. Send an email or letter to the top 25% of your customers thanking them for their support of your winery and wines. And including a discount for a certain amount of time.
5. If you have wines that you want to move quickly, offer a Buy One Get One Free promotion to your best clients. To make this offer sound more important let the recipients know that this offer is only being offered to a special group of customers.
These are just a few ways to encourage customers to buy. More in the future.
A tip of the glass from me to you!
“Do wine consumers care about how their wine choices impact the environment?” The answer is: They Do Care!!
My question for wineries is twofold:
1. Do you consider the impact on the environment when you are looking at how you package and ship your products? If not, it is a good thing to consider, as consumers are becoming more and more environmentally conscious.
2. Are you letting your customers know that you are conscious of how your manufacturing methods and packing choices make for a better environment and that as a company you are environmentally conscious?
If you have not been touting your safe environmental practices when it comes to making, bottling, selling, and shipping wine now is a good time to start as this is important to many of your customers.
Your website is usually the first place your customers or potential customers start when looking to find information on your products prior to a visit. So, letting your customers know why they should visit your website is the first step in acquiring new customers.
People visiting your website want to know more about your:
Or your guests may wish to tell you about themselves, their knowledge of wine, or other wineries they have visited. If that is the case let your visitors do the talking.
Follow your guests' lead. Giving the guests what they want is more likely to result in a sale, which, after all, is the result we want.
A tip of the glass from me to you!
It is coming into the busy season for the wine business. As the weather improves, wine lovers begin to get out and about to find new wines they like and will buy.
Before it gets too busy, sit down with your company’s tasting room staff and others who deal with the customers and ask them how they sell your wine.
Who is your target audience?
Ask your tasting room staff to describe their customers in broad terms.
It is particularly important to make your guests who do not regularly drink wine comfortable with wine. Give them the information they need to explain to their friends why they chose to buy wine from you:
A tip of the glass from me to you!
Elizabeth Slater of In Short Direct Marketing is recognized throughout North America as speaker and trainer, increasing sales for wineries through staff training in sales, customer service and all avenues of direct marketing. In Short has works with individual wineries as well as winery associations throughout North America.
INCREASE WINE CLUB SALES & RETENTION: Do you have enough wine club members? Are you retaining them?
Elizabeth Slater, In Short Direct Marketing’s wine club expert, gives your staff the tools they need to make your wine club membership sales and retention soar. In addition to working with individual wineries, Elizabeth teaches wine club classes at both Sonoma State University and Santa Rosa Junior College.
”After a very interactive training with our team, our following month saw over a65% increasein wine club signup rates—our best month to date! Dutton Goldfield, Sonoma County
“…Elizabeth Slater’s guidance and training provided the perfect platform, helping us double our Wine Club signups in the last 3 months compared to last year. If you’re serious about improving your business, then give her a call...”
Franciscan Estates, Napa County
Other Seminars & Training
Staff and management training should be as integral a part of the operation of a successful winery as using the very best grapes and producing top notch wines. Yet, despite its iymportance, it is the component of business operations that is most easily and most often ignored. In fact, it is frequently not recognized as a component of successful business operations at all.
E (as she is known) presents seminars and workshops on a variety of marketing and sales subjects to wineries and winery associations throughout North America. She is a featured speaker at Wineries Unlimited and presents regularly at state and province conferences working across the US and Canada.
In Short was started as a direct marketing company in 1994 and added workshops and seminars to the mix in 1997. Elizabeth's dynamic and humorous speaking style has made her a popular and busy speaker both in and out of the wine industry.
"In Short Direct Marketing is an essential business tool." - Maureen Hendrikson, Patit Creek Cellars
Title | Name | Phone | Extension | |
Founder | Elizabeth Slater | | 707-836-8730 |
Locations | Address | State | Country | Zip Code |
In Short Direct Marketing | , Ashland | OR | United States of America | 97520 |