6509 Flying Cloud Dr. Suite 130, Eden Prairie, MN, United States of America, 55344




Instant Knowledge for Better Business with Wine Quality Analysis

Making the right decisions in winemaking has never been easy.
Even so, the events of recent years have put the business under unprecedented pressure. Beyond considerations related to the pandemic, climate related challenges are only set to grow with extreme weather already affecting growing conditions in many regions. Against this backdrop, the constant challenge of making great wine consistently year-after-year remains.

Learn how FOSS solutions can help: http://ow.ly/C5E950HBPVr

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FOSS solutions for wine analysis help wine makers at all stages of wine production from measuring grape soundness and maturity at harvest time through the fermentation process to key wine specifications before bottling. Latest news: The new WineScan SO2 features rapid, integrated measurement of free and total sulphur dioxide analysis.


Contact List

Title Name Email Phone Extension
Wine Segment Manager Tony Wika twika@fossna.com 9529749892 342
Marketing Dan Lindhorst dlindhorst@fossna.com 952-974-9892 125
Application Specialist Michelle Walter mwalter@fossna.com 9529749892 174

Location List

Locations Address State Country Zip Code
FOSS North America 6509 Flying Cloud Dr. Suite 130, Eden Prairie MN United States of America 55344

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