
What’s Happening Post-Harvest?

We are arriving toward the end of harvest season… and can finally start to think about resting, preparing the wine for ageing, and also bottling for some wineries! Although the most hectic time of the year is over, challenges can still arise which is why we listed below some resources for post-harvest. We are here to help you throughout any time of the year. 


The conditions toward the end of harvest are usually not at their best… To prevent stuck fermentations and finish clean and safe the fermentation of the press fractions, we have developed a successful, simple and quick approach: an inoculation of the press fractions with 30 g/hL of L.A BAYANUS, simply rehydrated with 30 g/hL of OENOSTIM.  

  • Dilute in 20 times its weight of chlorine free warm water (104°F) 30 g/hL of OENOSTIM.
  • Add 30 g/hL of L.A BAYANUS
  • Wait 20 minutes.
  • Double volume with wine to inoculate. Wait 40 minutes.
  • Repeat. Double volume with wine to inoculate. Wait 40 minutes.
  • Add to tank or barrel



Bucher Vaslin North America offers a complete range of services to fullfilled winemakers need and Bucher Vaslin North America offers a complete range of winemaking services, from reception to bottling. We offer innovative, fully integrated and cost-effective solutions for any winery. 

- BUCHER VASLIN reception equipment: From preparation and sorting, destemmers and crushers, and hoppers and elevators 

- LAMOTHE-ABIET offering premium winemaking enological solutions

- CAZAUX LOB Wine Pumps 

- COSTRAL bottling and labelling lines

- DUJARDIN-SALLERON high quality lab equipment 

- BUCHER Unipektin: Highly reputable wine production equipment expectations. We work hand-in-hand with winemakers to develop innovative, fully integrated and attractive solutions for any winery. 

Use our technological know-how and trained network of field contacts to quickly implement efficient and economical winery solutionsEvery piece of winery equipment from Bucher Vaslin is designed with your winery size and production in mind. Each piece can standalone or work fluidly together, for a full, turn-key winery solution.

Ask us for a timely quote and setup options. Our sales associates can match you with the best equipment and layout options for your winery's size and output.




Contact List

Title Name Email Phone Extension
General Manager Jean-Pierre Giovanni jean-pierre.giovanni@buchervaslin.com
Winemaking Solutions Manager Lora Goulevant lora.goulevant@buchervaslin.com 707-547-3694
Sales Manager Sarah Donley sarah.donley@buchervaslin.com 707-547-3663
Marketing Manager Ray DeLeon ray.deleon@buchervaslin.com 707-547-3695

Location List

Locations Address State Country Zip Code
Bucher Vaslin North America 1282 Vidovich Lane Ste C, St. Helena CA United States of America 94574
Bucher Vaslin North America 3100 Dutton Ave, Ste. #146, Santa Rosa CA United States of America 95407

List of Locations