4845 Old Redwood Highway, Santa Rosa, CA, United States of America, 95403




Winescape: How Long Will It Take for the Grape Market to Recover?

Flexibility and focus will be key this year, as the economic backdrop for wine sales has become murkier, and the grape market still looks long despite a short harvest in 2024.

The 2024 numbers are in, and they confirm that off-premise wine sales have not bottomed yet. They are descending at a slower rate, though, due mainly to improvement in the super-premium and luxury segments. Alternatively, the slump deepened in the direct-to-consumer (DtC) and on-premise channels.

The economy continues to sail along at a reasonable pace, and the labor market remains solid. But consumer sentiment, which has been treading water, took a dive in early 2025 due to intense uncertainty and negative inflation news.

The Spring 2025 Issue of Winescape includes:

  • Breaks down the 2024 grape crush numbers by variety and region
  • Lays out key factors for a recovery in the grape market
  • Reviews wine sales data for 2024 and shares the outlook for 2025

Download the Spring 2025 Winescape

Grape Market Wine Business Winescape


We offer a broad range of agricultural loan, leasing and insurance services from orchard, timber, row crops, winery and livestock financing to equipment leasing and construction financing.

Celebrating over 100 years of financial services, American AgCredit is a member of the Farm Credit System. As the 5th largest lending cooperative in the U.S. with lending assets in excess of $8 billion, American AgCredit specializes in providing financial services to farmers and ranchers throughout California, Nevada, Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado and Northern New Mexico.

For more information about American AgCredit's financial services, call 800-800-4865 or visit www.agloan.com


Loans / Financing


Whether you're buying land for production or construction, installing irrigation systems or need to cover your accounts receivable, we have a program designed to help your business grow.



Every agricultural operation depends on reliable equipment. With today’s level of investment in field and facility equipment, leasing provides an alternative to the cost of purchasing while protecting your operation against obsolescence by allowing new equipment and technology to be acquired without a great cash outlay.


Harvesting Equipment


Packing Equipment and Bins

Above Ground Irrigation Systems
…and much more

Crop Insurance

At American AgCredit we know an investment lost due to crop failure or natural disaster is capital that can never be recovered by your operation. That’s why we offer crop insurance products to protect your investment while it’s still in the field.







Contact List

Title Name Email Phone Extension
Vice President, Vineyard & Winery Group BJ Bertacco wbertacco@agloan.com 707-521-7680
Vice President, Lending Alex Klein aklein@agloan.com 707-521-7683

Location List

Locations Address State Country Zip Code
Mailing PO Box 1120, Santa Rosa CA United States of America 95403
American AgCredit 4845 Old Redwood Highway, Santa Rosa CA United States of America 95403

List of Locations